Internal Conflict Mediation
They talk very often about conflicts: conflicts with parents, peers, teachers, employers … and we try to “fix” most of them. This resolution is, in fact, a short-term improvement. To solve a conflict you must go beyond the symptoms appeared and, most often, conflicts arise through external stimuli that augment the internal state, in fact the internal conflict of the person.
We all have situations where we do something and at the same time we want to do something else. In this state the internal conflict arises, your struggle to take a decision that satisfies both needs at the same time.
The Interior Individual Conflict interior – occurs when an individual it is not clear where he needs to go, receives contradictory tasks or when he needs to do something contrary to the possibilities, interests or values. In general, such a conflicted inner underpins all other types of conflict.
Sometimes, especially when the parties in conflict are numerous and the problem is very complex, it is impossible to manage alone and there is a risk that “negotiations” become chaotic and end in failure. One solution is the use of one or more facilitators, impartial and neutral people who are in charge of the steps in how to conduct safe and taking care that all parties of the conflict to be in comfort. Such people are the mediators.
Mediators have all the tools to put your in harmony all the internal parts that limit you that your daily activities take place under optimal conditions.
When intersection knowledge of coaching, NLP techniques and conflict mediation, conflict management and internal release of the individual becomes a possible mission.

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