A Partnership for High Performance
(0740) XXX XXX
Rehabilitation of the fuel storage depot at Zădăreni Arad

Construction site coordination services concerning work safety, for implementation of a complex project with activities ranging from simple excavation and execution of concrete structures to railway construction supply warehouse and storage facilities and transport oil facilities, petrochemical and chemical.

Who is the beneficiary:


Who is the client:


Duration of Project

02.06.2014 - 01.11.2014

Recorded Accidents

Labor Inspection Controls

Accidents Investigated

Strategic objectives for sustaining independent agriculture, transport and construction sites in Romania

Construction site coordination services concerning work safety, for rehabilitating depot centers for diesel fuel and specific additives, in Arad county


  • The customer’s objective is building a fuel station with specific surroundings and utility or intervention installations necessary for emergency situations
  • The project’s objective is to commission a fuel depot with 3 gasoline storage tanks, 2 diesel fuel storage tanks and one biodiesel storage tank.
  • The gasoline tanks are vertical cylindrical metallic tanks with a fixed lid, equipped with a floating membrane that compensates volume variation due to environmental temperature variation, especially during summer.
  • The vertical diesel storage tanks (2×2000 m3 each), as well as the gasoline storage tanks (1×1000 m3, 2×500 m3) and the biodiesel storage tank (1×350 m3) are settled inside 2 impermeable retention vats made out of concrete, with spark-proof flooring and elastic bed type foundation. A vat’s capacity is calculated so that, in case of necessity, it can take in the contents of the largest tank inside it. The depot is supplied using the railroad in the depot. The railroad is equipped with a RS (railway scale) type scale at the entrance to the depot to measure the gasoline, diesel fuel and biodiesel quantities that enter the depot, in order to be stored and delivered to end users.
  • The platform is equipped with 8 unloading posts, a number equal to the maximum number of tankers that can be stopped on the rail track for unloading. Each post is equipped with a hose for each type of fuel.
  • For each fuel category, the depot has a separate collection tank for unloading, whose length covers the number of posts allocated for maximum capacity cases. The unloading is gravitational, made into the dedicated collection tank, from which the unloading pumps aspire.
  • The project involves building a pumping center that supplies fuel to the end users. The pumps have cover systems and the depot is equipped with the following:
    1) Unloading and transporting pumps for gasoline (PB 201 /1,2), diesel fuel (PM 201 /1,2) and biodiesel (P 301 /1,2)
    2) Gasoline (PB 220 /1,2) or diesel fuel (PM 120 /1,2) delivery pumps
    3)Lobe pumps (P402 1-6) with Q = 3 m3/h meant for the addition of gasoline and diesel fuel.  

    For us, the CSC – Safety Engineering team, the only objective is finalizing the work of rehabilitating the fuel depot without any work accidents.

The Project's Challenges

   This project raised multiple challenges, because working to coordinate the construction site for rehabilitating the fuel depot in Zaradeni, Arad, meant executing multiple steps:

  1. Building specific structures for the gasoline tanks;
  2. Building the platform for pumps specific to gasoline;
  3. Building specific structures for the diesel fuel tanks;
  4. Building a ramp specific for rail tracks to facilitate unloading the products when entering the depot. Building the industrial rail track;
  5. Rehabilitation work for a transformer station;
  6. Building the metallic buildings with technical and administrative function;
  7. Building the automatic scale;
  8. Building the auto loading ramp;
  9. Building an additives establishment. Building platforms for storing additives;
  10. Building a vapor recovery unit (VRU);
  11. Building the structures for the fire pumps and mixing extinguishing foam;
  12. Building the water reservoir in case of fire;
  13. Building the retention basin for treated water;
  14. Building the structures specifically designed to separate hydrocarbons;
  15. Building a rainwater basin;

In order to accomplish the objectives above, the following actions will be taken:

  1. Excavation work;
  2. Metal shaping work;
  3. Carpentry work for building armatures for the reinforced concrete elements;
  4. Encasing work;
  5. Earthworks;
  6. Execution work for open constructions (architectural work);
  7. Exterior networks for water supply;
  8. Sewage systems;
  9. Building roads;
  10. Building interior installations;
  11. Building electrical installations

How we managed the project

We assessed the professional risks for the following construction site activities:

  1. Excavations and earthworks;
  2. Metal shaping activities for armatures / encasing and pouring concrete;
  3. High altitude activities for mounting the encasings;
  4. Activities happening in ditches and diggings;
  5. Mechanized transportation of mineral aggregates / compacting and building roads;
  6. Mechanized handling of metallic profiles for executing structures for metallic hall type buildings;
  7. Activities for installing sewage systems;
  8. Activities for installing electrical systems;
  9. Activities for building fencing structures.
  • We have elaborated the general work safety plan, regarding the entire work process;
  • We have elaborated the work safety measures plan that was implemented for all participants to the construction sites;
  • We have elaborated our own work safety measures for the work procedures specific to each work process;
  • We have organized coordination sessions for the building site and for subcontractors;
  • We made the coordination register;
  • We made surprise visits to the construction site, during various stages of the work process;
  • We made the workers’ authorizations regarding:
  1. Working at high altitudes;
  2. Working with high voltage electricity;
  3. Mechanized manipulation.

         We implemented the HG 300/2006 (romanian law – health and safety on construction sites),  legal requirements,  on the construction site.


We finalized a complex and demanding work process, with a variety of work processes, without any work accidents occurring.

The execution terms were short, like most construction sites are. Considering the number of heavy machinery existent on a construction site, that is manipulated simultaneously with executing excavation and digging processes, or mounting shaped iron, woodwork encasings, or pouring concrete, we, the coordinating team, consider that the lack of work related accidents is an objective that became a result.

Project consultants

George Răuți
George Răuți
Safety Engineer – Risk assessor
What recommends him

“The novelty brought by this project was evaluating risk factors that come with building rail tracks for industrial environments.
As a mechanical engineer with a license in ‘Railroad rolling stock’, participating to the rail track building process was a challenge, as well as a professional accomplishment. The opportunity to participate in building a rail track in Romania is not frequent, be it a short, industrial one.”


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